Saturday, October 1, 2011

New Frands!

Herrow peeps :)
So first of all I wanna say THANK YOU for all the feedback, and everyone who is rooting me on and saying they've been reading.  I do it for you, the fans... well also for me cause it is real fun to read back on all the things I have done.

Also, can you guys subscribe?  And post comments?  I just want to make sure the blog is working because my lil Ashley said she couldn't follow my blog which is tragic.  Let me know!  Maybe let me know in the comments... yes that is a sick plug for comments DON'T JUDGE ME.

So last night after sitting on the computer for hours and posting and applying and being super productive I went to bed fairly early, but I couldn't sleep, so I listened to "Someone Like You" by Adele.  Please watch her music video for it, it is hauntingly beautiful.  She captures so much of what a heartache is in that song, and it is amazing.
Then I partied a bit cause that song makes you saddy!  So I was rockin out to some dubstep in the dark in my bed.
But I still couldn't sleep cause I was SO EXCITED!  About life and acting and the city and everything that was going to happen the next day.  I couldn't make me brain slow down cause all I could think about was how amazing life is.

Obviously I fell asleep eventually, and this morning got up and sent out a bunch more headshots and resumes to the millions of casting calls they have here in NY.  I got all dressed up and headed out.
I love the city.  The neighborhood here in Brooklyn is amazing!

The casting call today was for a CBS show.  I sit next to Santino who is there cause I told him about it (networking oh yah) and we chat.  When we are waiting in line to sign in I meet my new NYC acting BFF ELYSE!
E-If you ever read this, YOU ARE AWESOME!  And you made my day today :)
We end up chatting wayyyy more than we should (aka not working on the one line we have to say for the audition) and swapping numbers and having ridiculous amounts of things in common.  Like studying abroad in London at almost the exact same time.  Crazy.
So I went in to read my line and the lady was impressed with my extensive time on set and also asked if I was available for extra work because she knows other shows that are hiring and I "have a good look."  HELL YAH I DO!

After the casting Elyse and I head to Starbucks and grab a drink and chat for a bit.  Santino comes and tells us about an open casting call for a modeling agency, which is quite a hike.  Let me tell you, this whole time both of us pretty much are motor mouthing it and being amazed at how much we have in common.  Very nice to meet another actress in the city.
The open call is a bust and by this time I'm ready to peace out.  Elyse heads to the Paramount casting call I was at yesterday and I go home.

I head downstairs to the restaurant Jacob works, its in the same building as the apartment, and meet one of the managers who told me to send in my availability (hm all the time any time?) and hopefully I'll get to be a hostess!  Whoop whoop!

Then, Sarah and I head to Trader Joe's and get some groceries and then I cook a mean stir fry dinner.  I'm still STUFFED and it's been like five hours since we ate.  It was delicious if I do say so myself, but I think Sarah and Jacob will vouch for its yummy-ness.

Then we proceed to be bums and chill on the couch.  Sarah and I have a Chi Omega moment and have a mini photo shoot (ya Mu Zeta Chi Omega!)
We also hold the door so Jacob can't get in.  Bahaha such good roommate.

We also ate chocolate and I just got SEVEN mosquito bites!  WTF!?!?!  Crazy.

So all in all, today was a pretty great day.

Also, I want to say a shout out to a special person who is making me smile and stupid and giggly tonight.  You know who you are.  If you're reading this... you're awesome :)

I'MA PUT MY ITCHY SELF TO BED.  Effin. Mosquitos.


  1. To post a comment I had to sign in with my Gmail account. To "Plus1" it I had to sign in, and hit plus1, and then another entry to create a profile. Whatever. OK, I tried to post, and now I have to go through verification. Ok Ok internet OK!

    Are you sure those are mosquito bites? Not bedbugs? You're not in Michigan anymore!

  2. Ew mom, but yes we checked for bedbugs!!

  3. Awww Yay!! Lol you mentioned me! Ps.. I DID figure out how to follow you. That bar was coming up in Korean, which I can't read lol So yeah.. it's all good :) I never got back to you on Twitter b/c I figured you could see I am following you now. Anyway, Glad you're still loving it! <3

  4. How do you get your twitter on here?? lol

  5. <3 Thanks Ashley! It is always exciting to get a new follower. I don't know how I got Twitter, I think when you design your page you can add little extras and that must have been one of them? Haha.
