Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I've Got It All Figured Out?

Do I have so much to tell you!  Thank you to everyone who has been asking where I've been, great to know that people are reading :) Love you guys!
There are many reasons why I have taken so long to post, I've been dealing with some crap and it was just easier not to write.  Also, the longer I waited the scarier it got because I knew it would take me forever to get this post up!  But today is the day and I'm going to tackle this monster and let you all know what has been up in the Life of Laura for the past month.

Week One... The beginning of December.
We left off at Thanksgiving, and me on the verge of a new move.  On Tuesday I took a giant suitcase and backpack full of stuff to my new apartment in Queens.  This was an experience.  As I took it through the subway I realized that I would have to drag the beast suitcase down and up the stairs four times, because I had to switch trains.  I got through it by thinking "just move one step at a time and DON'T BE GRUMPY" and this seemed to help.  My positive thinking brought me a friendly helping hand from a man I met who helped me carry the suitcase down one of the flights of stairs (although getting it down was the easy part... up is the hard part.  But I was thankful) and we chatted, he was a high school teacher and artist.  When I got to my new place I dumped my stuff, half went in Doug (my roommates) room and half went in the coat closet.  Then I sat down on the couch and got stuck watching "Catch Me If You Can" for 1/2 an hour... whoops!  That's my biggest challenge here, not getting stuck watching TV.  Although it helps when Ahmed (my other roommate) watches en espanol.  Or watches soccer.  Because both of those do not interest me.

Most of the week I spent working, and chatting with my customers.  I met an old man who used to work as a security guard and talked to me for two hours, and left me a (fake) $500 bill.  The strange things I receive at my job are endless.  I also had our printer telling me all night that he was going to buy me diamonds.  Now that can happen anytime!
Friday Sarah had her final dress fitting, and she looked amazing.  Then, we went home and it was MOVING DAY!  Big, big shoutout to Sarah and Jordan who were dolls and helped me move!  I packed everything into bags and some suitcases and when I saw it all I said "eff it" and called a car service to take us back to Queens.  Sometime during the packing I found out that one of my old roommates (not Sarah...) had drank 2 of my beers and that caused a little fight.  Good thing I was leaving!  But seriously, even if I owe you money that doesn't make it okay to eat/drink any of my food.  Not cool man.
The thing was, I had absolutely no furniture in my room at ALL.  So unpacking ended up looking like this...
Home Sweet Home?

Whoops.  That is another one of the reasons it has taken me so long to write... I was digging myself out of the mess.  OMG I LOOK LIKE A HOARDER!  Awesome.
After Sarah and Jordan and I had unloaded, Sarah and I went to Target to get some things.  I bought a new comforter which is SO DELICIOUSLY CUTE (pictures to come) and we also saw some to die for owl bathroom stuff, and a girl getting choked out by a security guard.  Only in NYC.  Afterwards, for the first time, we went to our separate apartments and it was SO SAD!  Boo.  I miss living with Sarah already.
Now, of course I went home, looked at that mess, and instantly packed a bag and headed to Jordan's, where I spent Friday and Saturday night.  I even have a toothbrush at their place now.  We spent the weekend going out, sleeping, eating, and just avoiding life in general.

The reason I say this, is because at this point I was dealing with some personal stuff and it was pretty hard.  Going out with Jordan was a fun way to get my mind off everything, but eventually I had to deal.
Although generally have a pretty positive outlook on life, many people don't know that I have been struggling a lot for about a year now, with feeling lost and wondering what to do with my life.  Up until college you have everything figured out for you and then you're just expected to take the next steps yourself.  That first summer after graduation I was working a lot on film and things were going well, and sometime around November I lost my motivation and I've been working to get it back.  One thing I want to say is, it is OKAY to ask for help, and I would know because going to therapy for awhile was a big decision I made in my life, and it was a good one.  Sometimes you need to talk to a professional about everything, and that is not a bad thing.
Recently, I have been forced to really evaluate what I want to do, and while I still deal with self doubt, I'm going to continue to pursue my acting career because it is something I am passionate about.
The bad thing is, my underlying negative attitude has caused me to lose important people in my life, and this was brought into focus to me the week after Thanksgiving.  I was blatantly told by a very close friend that "you get what you give" and I was bringing a lot of my misery on myself.
Through this whole experience, and especially this past few weeks, I have really realized who my true friends are.  I have some amazing people in my life and these are the people who love you no matter what.  These are the people who listen to all my shit and all my complaining and they stick around.  They know that there is good and there is bad and they are still by my side, they say all they want is for me to be happy and they love me.  I am not taking it for granted anymore and I realize that I am the only person that can make myself happy and every day I am working on my positive feelings.  So here's a thank you to all of those people, especially the girls who have listened to me the past few weeks (you know who you are, I love you).

That brings us to Week Two... cutting off...
Now, that being said, after the weekend I realized that I haven't been a very good friend to a lot of people lately, and also that I just wasn't in the position to support anyone else, because I was still figuring myself out.
This, along with the fact that I spent wayyyy too much time on it, and wanting to avoid seeing information about certain people led me to turn off my Facebook on Sunday.  And wouldn't you know, I ended up with this...
Blankets on the floor... hobo style

It is amazing what I have gotten done without Facebook to distract me.  My room looks even better (more to come later in the post) I mean, that gross rug is gone!  And I have been writing a LOT more.  My notebook has filled with some amazing stuff, and "Wonderland" (the children's play I am writing, adapted from Alice and Wonderland) has evolved wonderfully as well.  All the crap that I have been feeling translates really well to paper, in the form of poems, song lyrics, and stories, and with a few of my connections I'm hoping to either write a song or write a play and put all the emotion into my art.  The good thing about pain and heartache is that it makes me a much better writer and artist.
I am still somewhat connected, using Twitter a lot because you can only spend so much time on Twitter!  Haha.
I spend the rest of the week cut off from the world, turning off my phone, spending my time unpacking, writing, applying for auditions, and working.  Until Thursday night when the weekend started and Sarah came to my work to hang out.  We sat at the bar and the bartender made us drinks (free, the best kind) and we got some french fries.  I forget how much fun it is to chill at work, when you can get lots of yummy food and drinks whenever you want.  We helped out by folding napkins for the waiters and then were on our way home when we started talking to some guys and went out for a drink.  The best part about going out with SayJ is that she's always like "I'm engaged" and I'm like MORE FOR ME!  Haha I don't really say that... or do I?  Anyway, our new friends were Derek and Larry, and Larry is a security guard so he has met millions of celebrities (he kindly showed us all the pictures) and then we decided it was KARAOKE TIME!  Oh yah I love me some karaoke.
We went to a Korean karaoke bar where you get your own room and they bring you snacks (cheese balls wtf lol) and drinks and you have microphones and you just sing along to any song you want.  It was a BLAST.  We sang all night and I didn't get home until 5am.  On the way home I was writing on the train... I'm such a New Yorker haha.
I slept most of the day Friday and then headed to Jordan's to get ready for Santacon the next day.  We were just going to have a chill night and go to bed, but of course we ended up going to Cipriani's for dinner with Jose... and then we went to meet up with my love Zack (and his friends) who were visiting from Syracuse.
This is a great story.  Our cab driver wasn't paying attention and almost took Jordan and I all the way uptown, but I caught it and we ended up being a little past where we wanted to go so we had to walk back.  On the way, some random dudes were like "heyyy ladies, do you need an escort?" and we were like, sure why not.  They asked us where we were headed and we told them the Ace bar (where Zack and co. where), and lo and behold they were heading to the same bar!  After about five steps I realized that one of them looked familiar and I was like "do you know Zack Zollars?"  IT WAS HIS FRIENDS!  What are the odds?! For some reason they were like, blocks away from the bar and just happened to meet up with us as we were both heading there.  Crazy.
Jordan and I called it an early night (2 am haha) because Saturday was... SANTACON.

"Santacon is a non-denominational, non-commercial, non-political and non-sensical Santa Claus convention that occurs once a year for absolutely no reason." -Taken from the NYC Santacon Website.

Basically, Santacon is a "holiday" where people from all over the world (not just NYC) get dressed up as Santa (or various forms of Santa/holiday attire) and get DRUNK.  Also, they collect toys and food for charity.  But that takes just a second, in between all the drunkenness.
And it was amazing.
I don't even know how to describe it but I will post some pictures and videos for you... maybe you will get half of the effect of Santacon.  Basically, you check the Twitter and they Tweet where to meet up, then every few hours the location moves, so we went from downtown to city park to the subway, then the official Santacon when to Grand Central Station while we stayed in the East Village.  Thousands of Santas all over the city, it was SO FUN and you should come next year!
Jordan and I so cute at the start of our day

My beard is SEXY

Deadmau5 Santa complete with beard

Santa on the move

Santa in the subway!


Santa cuties!

I took two videos for you guys cause I wanted to try and capture some of the experience... it was so crazy.  Jordan and I started at about 2pm and we were out until 8.  We came back and napped and then Zack and co. got into the city so I got up again and went out.  By 10 most of the Santa party had filtered out, although you still saw at least one in every bar.  I was one of the last ones standing... go me!  I partied for a full 12 hours.
Late night Santa tree climb.  This is the
only time the red sweatpants will
Then it was time for BED.

Week three... it can only go up from here...
Sunday, after sleeping all day I headed to work which was boooring.  Not much happens on a Sunday night.  So I spent two hours doing what I do best, decluttering.  My job centers around the hostess stand and the coat closet, both of which were stuffed with CRAP.  It makes my job harder because I can't fit coats/bags into the closet (which is how I make tips) and cause I can never find anything.  So I went through it with my manager and threw away 2 large garbage bags full of junk.  I also ended up with 3 brand new cds (Mike Posner, Pink, Santana) 5 new scarves (wash them and BAM fashionable) nail polish, $12, and a nice portfolio carrier for my headshots and resumes.  Pretty good haul.
Afterward I headed out to Cipriani's for dinner and karaoke, even though I'm trying to cut down on my drinking and partying (not what I came to NYC to do) and after awhile I just realized that it wasn't my scene (no Jordan that night) and I headed out.  I knew that getting better and focusing on my acting and my happiness was more important to me than drinking, and I've turned down all the parties since.
Monday I slept and then I went to work.  It was another slow night, but my regulars Fred and Gene came in and had dinner.  They insisted that I sit with them so for about an hour and a half of my shift I just sat down and had dinner.  It was kinda weird being waited on by my coworkers, but I had been super bored and the food was delicious, and they insisted that I could have whatever I wanted!  Awesome.
Then Ashley came to visit me and we stayed up way too late talking.  It was nice to catch up :)  Tuesday morning I had to work, then Ashley and I attempted to find some cookie dough to make cookies for book club that night.  We were going to the monthly Chi Omega book club and that night they were having a Christmas cookie exchange.  We didn't have any luck so we headed home and got ready.
Now, our book club meets at the same place every month and this was the first one I was able to attend so I didn't really know what to expect.  But WOW
This lady lives on Park Avenue.  If you know anything about NYC you know that this is a very rich area.  We stepped into their home and I was breathtaken.  It was a two story apt complete with a twisting staircase, library, and amazing view.  Our host was like "oh yes from the 2nd story you can see the Chrysler building."  So nonchalant.  UM HELLO?!?!?!  THE CHRYSLER BUILDING?!?!
Ashley looked in the living room and was like "um I'm pretty sure I studied that painting in art history class."  We were in a home that had paintings that could pay our student loan debt 4 times over.  Nuts.  I was expecting cheese and crackers and we had an entire catered table of hors d'oeuvres made by their housekeeper/maid, complete with grilled shrimp and fresh fruit.  Needless to say, I couldn't believe it.  But all the women were fabulous of course, and even though we didn't read the book we had a great time.
By the middle of the week I was exhausted.  My work schedule had been all over the place, doing morning shifts and night shifts really messes with my head.  I was in a pretty bad place that was amplified by my exhaustion (I figured later that I worked 6 days in a row, with one day off, then 6 more days in a row, yuck!)  and the fact that I didn't have a bed and was still sleeping on the couch in a public room in the house didn't help.  Having no room and then having a room with no bed for 2 1/2 months had not been easy on me and I just wanted to be alone.  After I worked I went home and SLEPT, ordered pizza, watched TV, and was sad for a day.  I let myself bask in the feelings, and be emo, and not talk to anyone for the day.  And all my friends were so helpful and supportive... and I just slept.
Thursday I woke up and that was it.  I was done with the sad, and done with the questioning, and from now on I am focusing on today and positivity and looking ahead.  And... I GOT MY BED.
Yes, Eeyore has a Santa hat on.

I found this behind my closet door, apparently no one has closed
it for months, haha.  There was a dinosaur in there.
What an amazing, amazing, amazing feeling.  The guy from the car service didn't complain at all and then he helped me carry the whole bed upstairs!  Good tip for him.  I cleaned, vacuumed, set up the bed, and was SO HAPPY!  The bed has done wonders in my life, you don't realize how important something like a bed is until you don't have one for months.  THANK YOU SARAH!
That night, Sarah, her brother Phil, and his friend Spencer all crashed at my place, because we were moving Sarah out the next day.  We ate Chinese food, pizza, cookies and watched "How to Make it in America" WHICH HBO CANCELLED AND I'M SUPER PISSED ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!!!!  Boo.
Then Sarah and I tried to sleep.... ha that never happens, whenever we're in the same room we always stay up too late talking, just like in college.  We're like "okay.. .time to sleep.. for real.. ONE MORE THING!" Haha.
We got up at the crack of dawn, well earlier than that actually, the sun wasn't even up yet, and headed to Brooklyn with the van Sarah got to pack everything up.  It only took us about 45 minutes to load everything up and then I said goodbye :( so sad!  Although I did end up with two bags of stuff (trashcan, bowls, soup, hangers) for my apartment so that was exciting.  I looked like a crazy bag lady on the subway home with my 6am hair, no makeup, basketball shorts, leather jacket and bags of junk.
I spent the rest of the weekend SLEEPING.  I decided to be happy I needed a real schedule and no more partying all night.  I was awake for 9 hours total on Saturday lol... woke up at 1pm and went to bed at 10pm.  In between my hours of sleep I got Christmas presents, sent out Christmas cards, watched a lot of How I Met Your Mother, and just laid around.  It was wondrous.
That brings us toooooooo...

This week.  Sunday I cleaned and worked, but most importantly, I started working out again.
Monday I went to the Post Office (never again) it was NUTS! And then I went grocery shopping for the first time which was AMAZING because I found a REAL SUPERMARKET AHHHH!  This is such a big deal because there is no Meijer or Walmart here, there are only Trader Joe's/Whole Foods which have expensive organic food that I don't recognize or there are bodegas which have Oreos for $5.  I found a Met food that has brands I know, lots of variety, good prices, and it's close.  Buying food was so exciting.  Also, I love that I'm 23 and now I can just buy candy whenever I want... will that ever stop feeling cool?  Remember when your parents wouldn't let you buy candy from the 25 cent machine?  Why is that something that excites me now?  Haha.
I also have been making a lot of New Years Eve plans, and am excited for Amber, Tay, Andy, Vince and Zack to come visit!  It's going to be a great time!
Yesterday, I woke up and went to an audition, which was super fun.  I need to start going on a lot of those again and it just reminded me why I'm here in the first place.  I came back and did laundry which was quite the adventure.
Picture this: I haven't done laundry in about a month, and this is the first time I'm doing it here in Queens.  I walk the fiveish blocks with my giant Ikea bag full of clothes to the laundromat.  Load my shit.  Get out my bag of $10 of quarters.  There is no coin slot.  You have to put your money onto a little "debit" card specially made for the washers/dryers.  Okay, nbd, except THE MACHINE DOESN'T TAKE QUARTERS!  Only bills.  I have $5, which is what you need to get a card... except they take $2 as a deposit.  So now I'm stuck with $3 (only enough for one wash load) and $10 of quarters... I had to go to the ATM and the whole time I was thinking THINK POSITIVE DON'T COMPLAIN haha.  I eventually figured it out and my clothes are clean and in the closet but, wtf kind of laundromat doesn't take quarters?  Seriously.

After doing laundry and feeling so proud of myself for being such a real person, I went to work where I found out I'm going to be trained as a cocktail waitress soon.  This could be good or bad, its a lot of work but hopefully it will mean more money.  We will see.
So there you go!  I'm caught up on sleep, I'm caught up on this blog, and I've been writing for like 2 hours, so I hope you guys enjoy it.

New York City, I love you.  I wish my family was here though.  To experience days like the other day when I got on the subway and saw a guy looking at a camera that it was fairy clear he had just stolen.  And while I was watching him a woman sat down next to me and she looked perfectly normal, an older woman, but then every 30 seconds she would just CRACK UP laughing.  Then she would stop.  Then she would CRACK UP again, shake her head, and stop.  Weirdest thing ever.

So here's my advice for you on getting yourself out of a bad mood, as read by Rhonda Byrne in "The Power."   When you have bad feelings think of them as wild horses.  So there's an angry horse, a grumpy horse, an irritable horse, and so on.  When you feel a bad feeling say to yourself "why did I get on the grumpy horse?"  And picture it.  It will make you realize that YOU are the one getting on the horse and YOU can get off it again.  Also, when someone else is grumpy/irritable/sad to you, picture them on the horse and usually it will make you laugh.  It is a great way to not take those feelings so seriously and to laugh your way out of a bad mood.  I did this yesterday when one of our waiters was harsh to me and OMG it was hilarious to picture this guy on a wild horse.  Try it!

Monday, November 28, 2011


Holidays.  Are.  Exhausting.
Or maybe it is working seven days in a row that is exhausting!
Or maybe it is partying too much... wah wah.

Tuesday night after work I was chilling with the servers because I just didn't feel like going home yet.  Also, they got me some yummy dinner.  I decided to go out for "one drink" (HA!) and went to a bar in the east village.  There I had a great time just jamming to the band and chilling.  On our way to the next place I started talking to a limo driver and while I was chatting him up one of the servers decided to rent him for the night, so we picked up the rest of the staff at the restaurant as they were closing up and RODE AROUND IN A WHITE STRETCH LIMO ALL NIGHT!
This is my life.

It was awesome.  The guys I work with are so chill and really interesting.  And instead of going home I slept at my new place :) So I guess I was home!  Doug and I both worked in the morning and we stopped at a little Mexican place on the way, and the owner gave me a free donut.  At least that's what I think it was, it was a ball of dough about 4 inches big and it was DELICIOUS!  Except Doug told me there was cheese in it and there wasn't... the cheese never came!  Still yummy though.

After a crazy night and no sleep I headed home to start cooking Thanksgiving dinner.  I made a pie, and rolls, and some weird cookies.  Sarah and I wanted to use the pumpkin pie filling for something other than a gross pumpkin pie and we made cookies with german chocolate cake mix, marshmallows, chocolate chips, and oatmeal.  Weird.
Then we headed to bed because our alarms were set for 4am!
Before the crack of dawn we headed out the door.  We got to the parade route at 5:15am and got a front row seat.  We sat down, and waited.  We made friends with the family next to us, a little girl named Kassidy made the time go by wayyyy faster, she was hilarious.  We also befriended one of the police officers working the parade.  Finally, at 9am the parade started and it was AWESOME!  Its such a different experience than when you see it on TV.  You can see everyone holding the balloons, there is confetti and clowns, the celebrities are up close, and there are a shit ton of people.  It was super fun!

God I love Pikachu


Definitely don't need to go every year though, it is quite exhausting!  When we got home, no rest for the weary, it was dinner time!

And I have to say, for 3 kids who have never made Thanksgiving Dinner before we did a really good job!  Especially considering that our oven is so ghetto.  The part that tells you the temperature on the front moves so you never know if it is exactly the right number, and it doesn't tell you when its heated up all the way, and there's no thermometer soooo yah, I'm pretty impressed with us.  We had everything!  Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, roles, yams, and two kinds of pie!  MMM.
MMM my homemade pie!

After stuffing myself I took a quick nap and then UGH I had to go to work.  I had another Thanksgiving Dinner at work and then I got home and went to bed!!!  Where I slept 10 hours and had to go to work again.
The rest of the weekend I rested, cleaned the apartment, and went to work.
Last night I headed out to Cipriani's with Jose and Juliet and had an amazing dinner, then we went upstairs and there was karaoke!  I LOVE KARAOKE!!!!  It was a super fun night but man am I tired!  After work today I slept and wrote this blog and now I'm going to apply for auditions.
Tomorrow is get serious time.  I'm moving in on Thursday and I will have my own space so I can practice monologues and sleep and get my life together!
I did not forget what I came here to do :) acting!!!

But for tonight, food and rest.
Bye byeeee

Monday, November 21, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Hi Friends!

Hope everyone is doing well :) I am doing great!  And excited to tell you about my last few days...
After my happiness post I went to work and had a GREAT night!  I had a lot of fun, couldn't stop smiling and was chatting it up with the regulars.  Now that I've been working for awhile I can recognize a few, including the comedian Anu Kalra and the hotel manager from upstairs, Fred.  I sat Fred right next to the stand and was chatting him up and guess what happened... he bought me a plate of shrimp for dinner!  And chef was making me mac and cheese and chicken as well, so I took a seat and chatted him up.  Cause that's what you do if you want more shrimp ;)
This is my New York City life.

The whole day Friday I was apartment hunting.  The first place was up, up, up, way up in the scary part of Manhattan and the room was the size of a closet.  And the girl told me about a giant cockroach, EW!  But hey, it was in my price range so I wasn't gonna say no right away... Until I went to Queens and FOUND MY NEW PLACE!  YAY!
Now kids that is a full size bed and behind it are about four feet of boxes... you can't see the whole room but BAM IT IS BIG YAYYYY!  And cheap, and there's a backyard, and a nice big bathroom, and great decoration, and it is QUIET.  And my roommates are sweet.  So I am super pumped, I move Dec. 1st and I will officially have my NYC address.  Ballin.

After a long day of apartment searching I had delish restaurant leftovers for lunch mmm and then I went to the village to film a scene with the NYU student Juan, who cast me in the short where I was the dead girl.  Again, I played a dead girl... wtf Juan!  Haha, but next time he casts me he promises I will be living... Anyway, it was fun and there were about 12 of us squeezed into a tiny apartment, and we watched Muppets in Space while we filmed, so it was a good time.
On set!  Maybe someday I'll get a picture of me for ya.

Saturday was hands down one of the best days I have had in New York so far... I stayed in "my" (Sarah's) room the entire day and did NOTHING.  Well I did some things... cleaned, watered plants, put my check in the bank, bought flowers, read my camera's manual, emailed my boss, did my nails, watched the entire first season of "Recess" on Youtube.
Why yes I am a 12 year old.

It was a great day in.
I mean, I had every intention of going to the Brooklyn Bridge to take pictures and get some fresh air.  I even did my hair and makeup.  But then I ended up with this.
OMG like, Myspace called they want their pictures back!!!

Ya... That just happened.  Welcome to my crazy New York City Saturday night.

Sunday Sarah came home and we snuggled and watched the Amazing Race and I went to work.  It was very slow, but my boss got us some sliders and it was delicious!  And I made money checking bags which doesn't happen often... and I was just in a great mood :) We had some cool customers including this 70 year old lady wearing sequins who told me we had the same spirit and that was why I was so nice to her.  Awesome.
When I left work I needed some time to think so I started walking home.  I walked from Penn Station to the East Broadway subway stop... It took me about 2 and a half hours and I just got to see New York and the Christmas lights and displays and sit in the park and enjoy being there and listen to the thoughts in my head.
In Washington Square park, at 11pm, there was a huge choir singing songs of peace.  <3 only in New York City.
Choir singing in Washington Square Park.

Empire State Building lit up for Christmas!
The colors change day by day!

Now we are here today... and I did laundry, go me!  We went to Sarah's dress fitting and she looks amazing :)  I cleaned up and I chilled and now I have to get ready for work, work, work and THANKSGIVING!
Get ready for some awesome pictures of turkey and the Macy's Day Parade!

Now I have a place to live, it is gonna be the holidays, I have clean clothes and great friends, what more could a girl ask for?
Happy, Happy, Happy.  I love New York City!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Wow!  I was so, so grumpy yesterday, so I decided to write a bit today just because I feel awesome!  Also, I have a lot on my mind and I'm hoping if I write it down and share it, maybe it will go away... or at least not take up so much space in my head.

After that long post I posted I spent the night NOT sleeping.  Don't know why I couldn't sleep but my brain was just wide awake... this is very rare for me, I love sleeping so it is weird to have insomnia.  I climbed out onto the fire escape and sat with my feet dangling off it.  I took some pictures with my camera for fun... I've had that thing since graduation and I have no idea how to use it.  Washington DC inspired me to take pictures, especially since I'm in NYC and there are so many things I want to show you!  Then I spent a few hours watching TV while drawing on the back of some posters I took from the restaurant, that they were going to throw away.  Wish I had my whole box of Prismacolor markers here!  Meh!

On the walk to the subway in Brooklyn.  I wish this picture captured the cuteness of that little girl!

New York is such an amazing place.  The year and a half since graduation has been... rough, to say the least. Nobody warns you what it is going to be like when you stop having everything planned for you and school is done and it is time to make your own decisions.  Even though I had an idea of what I wanted to do it was still tough to figure out how it was going to happen.
But I feel like being here is so great, inspiring, beautiful.  I don't understand how people don't like city life.  There is so much to look at and so much to see.  Every time I'm out I see something new and something interesting.  And even though I feel like I'm moving at the speed of SLOW when it comes to doing what I came here for, sometimes I have to cut myself some slack and realize I've only been here a month and a half.  And I have a job I love and I have shows the whole month of December and it is okay that I'm not a movie star... yet...

Good news is that I finally will have my own place to live!  After searching and searching and finding nothing, I now have five places that I'm going to be looking at during the next week (when it rains it pours!) and will for sure have a permanent address by Dec. 1st!  So all you darlings that are going to be coming to visit, you will have a place to stay :)

There is so much I am looking forward to.  This weekend I am filming at least two, maybe three times.  Next week I'm going to the Macy's Day Parade!  OMG get excited for that post.  Christmas is coming up and I'm going to have a bunch of visitors... Madison, Z, Marcus, and Lizzy!  :)  And I get to go home.  And NEW YEARS EVE in the city.  Ohmigod.  Let me just say: Hair in bows, glitter, fur, sequins, and high heels.  I'm pumped.

So much to be thankful for.  Walking home, tired, after a night out with my crew and I couldn't feel any better.  So much change has happened but I finally feel like I'm in a good place, even though there are bad days.  There is no better way to get to know yourself than uprooting your whole life and moving to a city where you know no one.  And I'd like to say that so far, I'm a pretty fun person to get to know.   I like me :)  Woohoo!

Time for a nap maybe, before work.
Hope you all are having a fabulous day!  And I wanna say THANK YOU to all my readers.  I have had over 900 views on my blog, and while many of those have been in the US I have had people from all over the world read my writing, how awesome!  Russia, the UK, Germany and Singapore!  Nuts!  You guys are amazing!
Whenever I write about going out, I'm with my loves 90% of the time... Juliet, Jose, and Jordan!

I know you've been thinking about making moves for awhile... well today is the day...
Now or never.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sicky Laura... and Washington DC!

True story everyone.

It has been quite awhile.  Probably because the entire week after Halloween I was curled up in a ball on my mattress when I wasn't working :( Being sick is not fun!  But it was worth it after going out on Monday with Jordan, we went to the Village and walked around in the Halloween craziness and it was awesome!  Awesomely dangerous... haha.  I saw some interesting things that night let me tell you.  We were in a huge crowd being directed by the police and at one point some people started yelling "fuck the police!" and let me tell you Jordan and I booked it out of there as fast as we could.
She was dressed as Aldous Snow and we both spent the whole night going BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT.  I was a ninja.  We got a picture with a guy dressed as a penis.  Overall, a fun night.
Bahaha.  Awesome.

And I'm pretty sure the rest of the week I worked.  It got to the point where the staff was asking me if I slept at the restaurant, damnit.  And when I wasn't working I was coughing and sleeping, boo!
Slowly, but surely, I became a real person again.  The sun came out, I went outside, and on Tuesday it was completely gorgeous here.  Sunny, 66 degrees and I spent a couple hours with Jordan walking dogs with her :) A nice way to get some puppy love, even though they weren't my lil baby!

And then I went to work.  Afterward, I went to Jordan's and hung out with her and her roommates... they are awesome people.  NEW FRIENDS how fun is that, I'm like a regular New Yorker.  Haha.  Anyway, she made us brownies with peanut butter M&M's in them (omg my favorite!) and ice cream on top, and we were all fat kids and at 1/2 the pan and watched Millionaire Matchmaker.  This is my fast paced NYC life guys haha.
Again, most of the week I slept and worked until... Thursday!!!  When I hopped on the train and went down  Washingon DC!
For those of you who don't know, Marcus is in the airforce and he was flying into DC for the weekend on a mission and we decided it would be fun for me to come crash the party and have some friend time.  It was just what I needed... Sightseeing and traveling and friend time and some good ol' soul searching on a train in the sunset and relaxation made for an amazing weekend.
I got into Union Station at about 7 on Thursday night and met up with Marcus and the other guy on his mission with him, Dan.  We dropped our stuff off at the hotel and headed out to dinner, which took us forever because we couldn't make a decision.  At one point all three of us were standing on a corner in the cold with our phones out trying to GPS a restaurant.  Fail.  Anyway, we ended up at an italian place (thanks to me bahaha) and the food was totally delicious.  Unfortunately, at this point I was fighting back a migraine and it was not fun.  I basically was like I NEED SLEEP and passed out as soon as we got back.  I'm so fun to hang out with.
The next morning I woke up and felt much better.  The first thing I did was GO SWIMMING!  Daddy would be so proud :) If there is a pool in a hotel I will take as many trips to swim as I can... even if it means getting up at 8am.  We eventually headed out at noon and had lunch.  We headed to the mall and the first place we went into was the air and space museum.  I texted Dad the whole time cause he is all about that kind of stuff, and the boys checked out the planes (Airforce Navigators, standard) but I liked the space part the best, especially when a little girl asked me how to use one of the computers and we spent ten minutes exploring the planets.
We left the museum and headed over to the Capital.  It was a great day for pictures with lots of big fluffy clouds, although the weather was a bit chilly.  We walked through the portrait gallery for a bit and then went to the natural history museum.  One word: DINOSAURS!
After spending some time checking out the dinosaurs everyone was getting a bit tired and we headed back to the hotel.  Again, there were issues figuring out dinner plans, especially when the hotel restaurant was an hour and a half wait, but we finally figured we'd just wait and get drinks while we did.  Since it got dark early it felt like 10pm but lo and behold we actually still were in time for happy hour.  I would say it was a pretty great, I got a kiddie dinosaur sippy cup, delicious dinner and a brownie for dessert, rode a ridiculous escalator, went to a bar called Luckies?  I think.  Danced, drank, got in a circle of people and rocked out, was hit on by the DJ who then played my favorite song ("Whatever You Like") and was told by a stranger that he was in love with me.  We started drinking at 6pm, we got home from the bar at 3am... you do the math but I'd say we rocked DC.
The next morning I got up at 9 and went swimming (I do not joke around) and then I grabbed some breakfast and talked to Beth (<3 sister love).  Got ready and headed out to see the Lincoln memorial.  We passed the White House, AWESOME! and the Washington Monument, and saw the new WWII memorial and went to the Lincoln Memorial and the Korean and Vietnam War Memorials.  Since it was Veteran's Day weekend there were a lot of people around, lots of veterans, and a lot of red white and blue... or maybe that's just cause it was DC.  Now, I've never been over expressively patriotic but it was really cool to think about all the history and made me PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN.. AMERICA!  Haha.  It was a gorgeous day on Saturday, sunny and warm.  We walked closer to the White House and then headed back.  After another quick swim it was time for me to leave :( boo!!!  Back to Union Station for the train home.  I passed out on my bag on the way home and got a great nap.  It was so amazing to travel again... I forgot how much I love it. Although coming home during the night and seeing the NYC skyline was quite amazing and made my heart so happy when I thought I LIVE HERE!
And here's a little shoutout to Marcus and Dan :) I had a great time!  Thanks for letting me share your vacation <3
There are dinosaurs in there!!!

Now, a normal person would've gone home... but I'm not normal and I headed to Jordan's place for pizza and the game.  By the game I mean some west coast football that I didn't care about but pizza!  I had planned to meet up with Netty, so while I waited for her plans Jordan headed out and I just hung out with her roommates.  When I pooped out and decided to go home they told me I should move in... very much considering it... haha.
Exhausted, I headed home to find that the friggin' F train was shut down and I had to take the bus partway.  Dumb.  I got home and passed out!  Wondrous.
OMG and Netty was here and I only saw her for about two hours but... I love that girl.
Now, I worked Sunday and Monday and I finally have a second to myself and I spent today doing NOTHING.  Lies, I cleaned and unpacked and searched for an apt., but it has been a relaxing day which is super nice.  Especially since Sarah is gone and I've been chilling in her room... omg having a door is amazing.
But also, you should keep Sarah in your thoughts because Josh (her fiance) just lost his mother and they're both having a rough time right now :( poor girl.  I love you Sarah!!!

So that's that.  Here are some leftovers that I forgot where they go but I'll put them here:
-At work the other day I was bored cause it was slow and people at the bar kept ordering wings, so my manager ordered two plates of wings for the staff and we just chowed down together.  Awesome.
-On the subway the other night some boys were talking about how pretty I was cause they thought I couldn't hear them, but I could haha.  Awesome.
-Also, on the subway, I was coming home after the Foo Fighter's concert and was drawing, and some drunk girl was creeping on my sketches so I showed them to her.  She said I should paint them... hm?  Interesting.  Maybe I will.
-I got tipped a $20 at coat check!  Ballin!
-I have almost 900 views on this blog!  You guys are awesome!

And lastly:
Thanks Betsy!!!

Please don't judge me for my ridiculous amount of use of the word "awesome"

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Happy Halloween!

It has been nuts for me this week.  The weirdest thing is that I feel like a month has gone by since I last posted.  New York is truly the city that never sleeps and I always feel like I'm on the go or have something to do.  Thank goodness today I can just sit on the couch because I definitely need a little bit of rest and peace and quiet!

Last week Saturday was the beginning of the madness.  First, I had an audition for an emcee for a film festival.  The casting call was pretty vague, they were looking for all types, normal people, characters, aliens, zombies, it was pretty strange.  I asked if I needed to prepare anything and was told no.  Now, I made it to the address I was given and RED FLAG it was in someone's house.  HOW CREEPY IS THAT?!  My first instinct was to call Sarah and talk to her when I checked it out, but she was on the subway.  So I thought maybe it was a business cause there were some next to the building, but let me tell you I was very much aware of my surroundings when I walked up.  I buzzed the door and it opened and... a little asian man answered and there were like 20 kids coloring in the hallway.  Safe.  The director lived there and his wife was hosting some sort of NYC kid's art club or something.  Anyway, that is my story of how I didn't get murdered on this casting call.  I did my audition and it was bad haha they didn't have anything for me to read or really anything they wanted me to do so it was awkward.  Needless to say I didn't get called back.
After that I headed to The New School because I had another audition but didn't want to go all the way back to Brooklyn.  I crashed there for a bit while Sarah studied and then I walked through Union Square to get to my next audition.  Since it was Saturday there was a huge farmers market and a bunch of people selling artwork and jewelry, it was pretty fun to walk through.  I had an audition at New York Film Academy (NYFA) which I rocked (got the part) and then I headed back home where I had about an hour to eat, chill, and head to my next shoot.
I was doing a short student film for NYU and was playing a model who is the muse for an artist.  The twist at the end is that I was actually dead the whole time, creepy and awesome!  I met Juan the director and Sam the other actor.  It was pretty fun and nice to be on set again, and they were shooting on film which is the first time I've worked with film!  Crazy.  Much different than digital because you have to use as little footage as possible you can't just shoot as much as you want.  We also were shot in black and white with 3 point lighting so I'm hoping it will look pretty cool and give me some good footage.  Sam played the artist and actually drew a picture for the film while we were on set.  It was pretty creepy!  Finally I got to go home and go to BED!

What an exciting, exciting day!  First thing in the morning Sarah and I headed out to go wedding dress shopping!  She has been multiple times and tried on tons of dresses and guess what... WE FOUND HER DRESS!  I am proud to say that I was there.  The bridal salon was having a big sale, no appointment necessary, and it was nice because we just got to look through and browse without a sales lady breathing down our neck.  Now this is gonna sound so cliche but the first one she tried on was IT and we both started crying and hugging and doing that whole girly thing, but it was such a great moment.  After a few more dresses it was clear that was "the one" and Sarah even hardballed it and got free alterations, woo woo!
Now the rest of the day is pretty interesting but I have to tell you a secret that I haven't shared with you yet.  I had a date, with someone I met on an online dating website!  Convinced by my roommates and some friends who had used online dating, I made a profile just for fun.  I have gone out on a few dates, but in general it seems like dating is not something I can handle right now... and what I mean by that is I'm so busy that these dudes seemed to get pissed when I can't hang out or text them back.  Sorry I'm living my own life!  My theme song right now is "Telephone" by Lady Gaga haha "boy the way you blowin' up my phone won't make me leave no faster, put my coat on faster, leave my girls no faster!"  Anyway, I will tell you about the few dates I've been on and that's that because I disabled my profile.  Just not for me.
So after wedding dress shopping I headed to Madison Square Park and met up with someone who was very nice.  We had a good conversation and a good lunch.  I also got to walk through the city for a bit and he pointed out cool landmarks in the city.  Funny story... I had two dates on Sunday and I had to awkwardly try to get out of my first one cause it was about to run into my second one.  DON'T JUDGE ME haha I don't have a lot of free time when normal people have free time so I gotta squeeze hangout time in when I'm not working.
So my next date was at a haunted house which was pretty cool because if you know anything about me you know I LOVE being scared.  There were some pretty great moments, and I screamed a lot.  Afterwards we got some pizza and hung out for a bit before I finally headed home.  I was pooped!  I had been in the city for about 12 hours straight and I couldn't wait to go home and go to bed.

I felt like a little bit of a bum on Monday.  Now, if I had known how crazy the rest of the week was going to be I would've thoroughly enjoyed my few hours of couch and TV time.  After sleeping in, Sarah and I decided to start our new workout routine and be each other's "partners" so we stick to our goals and all that jazz.  She had a workout from a magazine that was a buddy workout where you do moves together so you have someone with you.  It was pretty hilarious and we had a hard time concentrating because we were laughing so hard at the ridiculousness of the moves (let me tell you I was not laughing the next day when my ass hurt every time I went up and down the stairs).  Anyway, we were pretty proud of ourselves.
I didn't do much, watched some TV, and then headed out to go see Paranormal Activity 3... another date haha.  It was awesome though because I got off the subway right where the World Trade Center Memorial is and it was beautiful!  The new buildings were all lit up and it was just amazing to see.  Paranormal Activity 3 was AWESOME!  Not as scary as the second one I thought, but still really sweet.  After we walked to the waterfront and saw the Statue of Liberty.  Beautiful.  And after that, home and bed!!

So Tuesday was rough because Alex was sick for a few days and he was getting sick all over the apartment and it was scary!  Luckily he didn't need to go to the vet and he's better now, but we were dealing with that and it was pretty stressful!  I don't know how Mom's do it (love you Mommy).  Also, our heat got turned on and while it is nice to have heat in the apartment it sucks because the pipes are old and ghetto and it literally sounded like there was someone throwing rocks down the pipes.  So I was a little sleepy but that didn't stop me from going for a run, although my intense soreness from my workout the day before made it a little difficult.
After a shower I headed to my first day of work.  I had only had one day of training and the manager who hired me wasn't there so I was basically just in charge of myself.  Luckily, it was lunch time so it was pretty slow and he got there eventually.  As of right now I can definitely say that I LOVE MY JOB.  Since its a steakhouse pretty much everyone who works there are men, which means I'm very spoiled.  They always feed us and they seem to think I need a lot of food because I get giant platters of it and then they try to make me take home as much food as possible.  Definitely not a starving artist thanks to work.
After work I headed to the film set for the NYFA movie I had been cast in.  I played the girlfriend of a GIRL!    The main character of the film brings home a goth kid, a lesbian, and a black guy to shake up her family dinners so I got to be the lesbian... they made me wear suspenders hahahahaha.  After being on set I had to rush home where I literally had fifteen minutes to get ready for the Chi Omega Today event being held at the Union League Club.  I was rushing on the way there, but luckily I ran into Emily (one of the Chi O's from the Brooklyn Bridge walk) so I wasn't the only one who was late.  We got into the club and headed up to the dining room and it was gorgeous.  They had an open bar and some delicious appetizers going around, and I was pretty excited about the fact that I had eaten free, delicious food all day!
The Chi Omega Today event was an update from Nationals on what the sorority has been doing.  The secretary from nationals came and spoke and there were Chi Omegas of all ages.  They only do these events in a few cities so it was pretty exciting.  (For any Mu Zeta's, I got to see Ruthie aka our National Consultant from our senior year!)  Afterward, we sang "Shades" and I mingled for a long time, it was a great way to feel connected with the sorority again.  I'm so proud to be a Chi Omega!  They also gave us fridge magnet words Chi Omega style so Sarah and I are rockin those on the fridge right now.  Sorority life is definitely fun during college but it is such a great thing to have after you graduate, especially if you move to a brand new city!  I actually made plans with some of my sisters that I met which is awesome :) yay!

Sarah and I were so productive Wed. morning!  We cleaned the apartment because Josh was coming to visit, we did laundry, and we even did yoga... for old people.  Since we were sore from our weird, intense workout we decided to do "yoga for aches and pains" which was hilarious.  They were like 'this will help with your arthritis' and Sarah and I were cracking up.  The difference between when we did yoga at Adrian and yoga here was that in school our teacher yelled at us for giggling and here we had no one to make us focus.  I went to work and had a great time and afterward I went to Cipriani's for dinner with Jose and his friend Jordan.  We had some amazing dinner, mozzarella, calamari, salmon, pasta and salad.  So great, especially since Jordan and I hit it off!  Afterward we headed to Greenhouse were they were filming for that TV show about Ice T and Coco.  So if you're watching that you might see a clip of me and Jordan dancing in the club!  Hopefully I didn't sign my life away when I signed the release form haha.  I got home at 4am and crashed.

Thursday morning I woke up and ran three miles in the rain (beastmode).  I headed to a model call (scam) and went to H&M for a bit before grabbing a coffee at McDonald's (soooo classy) and headed to work.  I took a detour specifically to walk by 30 Rock, just cause I feel excited to see where some of my favorite shows are filmed!!  Let me tell you something... when it rains in NYC I am a happy girl because I get to work coat check at the restaurant and that means more money for me!  Woo hoo!  I was in a great mood so I headed to Greenhouse again and this time we were there with the cast from Boardwalk Empire.  If I had ever seen the show that might have been more exciting.  And since I was tired, I headed home early (3am is early haha) and went to BED.

Friday I did NOTHING.  I slept all day and went out with my last online date.  He was pretty fun and the bar was really cool.  I went to dinner at Cipriani's where the first of the Halloween costumes were starting to emerge.  I spent the night partying with Catwoman.  At Greenhouse I had a great time!  We closed the club down and then headed out for pancakes mmm delicious and I even got my cab ride home paid for.  I was exhausted yesterday because I didn't get home til 6:30am!  Nuts.

Yesterday, I slept in.  You know you've been out too much when work at 5pm seems difficult to handle.  Luckily I was just tired and not hungover!  Plus, I love my job so it wasn't to bad that I had to go.  And it was snowing (which I love) because coat check was nutso!  And chef made me some delicious food, pasta with chicken and peppers.  Of course it was on a giant platter so I brought home enough food to feed myself for four days.  I also got an warm apple tart with ice cream.  I had to stay a little bit later but it was fine because I was having fun and making money.  After, I braved the freakishly cold weather and headed to the apartment where I quickly changed into my awesome ninja costume and headed out with Batman, Catwoman and DJ Lance Rock (Yo Gabba Gabba duhhhh).  Halloween in NYC is awesome!  Although sometimes you can't tell if people are dressed up or if they're just strange.  There are costumed people everywhere, on the train, walking through the city and it is nuts.  We went to the bar and saw some sweet costumes like Buzz Lightyear, Stewie, and a horse which had the head and the ass.  I thought the butt was cute but when I said something to him he started hitting on Joel... fail!  People loved my ninja costume, especially since my mask is intense and they can't tell what I look like.  A few times I had to take it off cause I was hot and people would be like oh you're pretty!  Good times.  They played some sweet music, hits and some old school Blink and Nsync.  I had a great time and headed home way too late.

Today I slept til 1pm and it has taken me about two hours to write this giant entry while I watch reruns of The Office.  Jim and Pam not being together is the weirdest thing.  It is soooooooooo nice to sit down and do nothing.  And tonight the only thing I have planned for tonight is Skyping with my awesome parents :)

If you're still reading this, you're awesome!  Hahaha.  <3

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fired and Hired.

Wowza it has been almost a week!

Sunday afternoon I made my way to the theater to see Rapunzel and it was AWESOME!!!!  My friend Scott (who I had a callback with) was in it and he was basically like Steve from Blue Clues.  The theater was fairly small but that's okay, it just reminded me of Downs Hall :) The place was packed and the kids were sitting right up front.  The show was fairly simple but it was awesome because the actors talked to the children the whole time and went in the audience and had the kids interact with them as well!  Right up my alley.  It got me super excited to start, I am so ready to perform!
Work :)
Galli Theater from onstage.

Then I came home and cooked dinner for the roommates.  Stir fry yuuuuummm!  And after dinner we got our new friend, Alex.  He's a five year old kitty that we adopted from a dude who can't keep him anymore cause he financee is allergic, and we love him :)

Kitty sitting on the cupboards.

He's a real silly guy.

Well Monday was a little rough cause Alex was having a hard time adjusting to his new family and decided to express it by meowing at 6am... for an hour.  Needless to say I didn't get any sleep.  So after a failed attempt at being a real person I decided to take a nap.  My schedule is so off here in the city.  After I woke up I got a call from one of the places I applied to and got an interview for a hostess position!  Very exciting.  I spent the rest of the night watching Paranormal Activity 2 with Jacob, who proceeded to stand in the door like a creeper and scare the POOP out of me afterward.  I also applied to a ton of auditions (and have had a lot of response from them woo!).  I felt so accomplished.

On Tuesday I went running, and did castings, and went to my interview.  At first I was a bit nervous cause I could see the sheet with a bunch of other interviewees names on it, but it seemed to go well, especially when my new boss Kenny asked if I could start training the next day.  I said of course!  I GOT A JOB OH YA!
Afterward, I returned some stuff and walked around.  I went into a shoe store, walked down 5th avenue, checked out a Halloween store where one of the employees chatted me up and then gave me his number... I don't get it, am I too friendly?  LOL.  They won't leave me alone.  I did get some good ideas for costumes though!  Rainbow Brite, or an indian!
I also went to the NYC Public Library to see about getting a library card.  I could not survive without a library card!  As soon as I get my paycheck I can check out books woohoo!
Now, I decided to check out Goodwill to figure out what I could make my costume out of.  Let me tell you, this was a baaaad idea because the Goodwill in NYC was AMAZING.  There were some ridiculously nice clothes there, Express blouses with the tags still on and just a ton of stuff.  I was like oh no shopping spree time.  But I was good and ended up just buying a jacket/wrap for myself instead of a Halloween costume.  By the time I got home I was pooped so we just chilled.

On Wed. I slept in and was working on some acting stuff when I got not one, not two, not THREE but FOUR packages!!  So I spent the day unpacking all the stuff I got THANKS DADDY THANKS MOMMY!!!!  I have the best parents :)  I had to clean one of the cupboards to fit all my new food in.  No more starving artists here!  Then I got ready and headed to the new job.  I trained with Leann who was really cool and very friendly.  I'm a hostess so it isn't too difficult, I caught onto the computer system pretty easily its just a matter of making sure everyone gets to a table.  I also work coat check so hopefully I'll make some tips off of that!  After our shift we got a meal cooked for us and I had a delicious burger!  Yums!  It was really fun and I'm very excited to work there, especially since they said that was my training day and now I'm on the schedule.  Looks like I won't be having the rug pulled out from under me again thank goodness!  Getting home I chilled with the roommates and went to bed.

Yesterday was a busy, busy day!  First, I had an interview for a film shooting on Sat. and I got the role!  It's a short where I don't have any lines but the script looks very interesting and I get to be on set so I'm pretty excited.  Then, I had an audition at New York Film Academy.  I think it went well, and it never hurts to get your face out there.  After that I headed to the theater to work with the kids.  It was fun and exhausting of course.  There were about 10 kiddos and we warmed up with them onstage and then interpreted music and what wild animals we thought the music sounded like.  After we "rehearsed" Rapunzel, where we took the kids through the story in costume so we can put on a performance for the parents.  It made me excited to work with kids again and to be onstage!  Afterward I decided to walk to the train I go on to get to the restaurant because the theater and the restaurant are about five blocks apart, so I wanted to see how far the walk between them was.  Last night Sarah and I snuggled on her bed and watched dumb TV while we ate crackers and popcorn.  It's great to have my old roomy back cause we work so great together!

I didn't get good sleep again, which stinks because then I feel tired all day.  Today I didn't do much, we went grocery shopping and I blogged.  We also cleaned the apartment.  I am ready to go to sleep!  Very big day tomorrow (3 auditions and a shoot).  I need some sleep!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Good morning!
I sleep in so this is my morning.
Yesterday I slept in.  It was amazing!  Then I ran 3 miles, and let me tell you, Park Slope is an intense run, the first mile and a half are all uphill MEH.  But that means the second half is downhill oh yeahhhh.  After I showered I was just so tired I fell asleep again.  Then Ashley was coming to visit with her boyfriend and I was forced to get out of bed and get dressed.  We ended up going over to a cafe across the street and chatting over some coffee (or water, for me).
Then, we dropped Sarah off to study (grad school, ugh!) and Ashley, John and I headed into Manhattan for dinner.  We met up with two of John's friends from NYC and then we went to some Southern Indian restaurant where I had no idea what anything was.  John ended up just ordering a bunch of food and it was pretty yummy, but not someplace I would specifically go back to.  I had a cheese dosa which was basically a crepe with cheese and potato inside haha.  They had something else and it was supposed to be spicy but the guys said that it wasn't so I took a bite and the reason they didn't think it was spicy was because THEY DIDN'T GET A PEPPER omg my mouth was burning for about ten minutes.  Not cool.  So that was an adventure.  And then John paid for dinner THANK GOD, I never turn down free dinner, that's how poor I am right now!  I didn't even offer to pay.  Good times.
We went across the street for a drink and I literally had 2 sips of the one Ashley bought for me (I had turned it down a million times) and couldn't finish it.  I was so sleepy, for no reason, I slept a ridiculous amount yesterday, and I headed home.

Today, I got up and I'm not tired yay!  Sarah and I went to the farmer's market which was AMAZING there was so much there and you can get good veggies way cheaper than at the grocery store.  I'm making stir fry tonight :) yum yum.
Now I have to get dressed because I'm going to see Rapunzel today!  Yay!  And our new kitty, Alex, should be here this afternoon :) woo!!!


Friday, October 14, 2011

Dad Says "Buck Up"

I can't believe it has been almost a week since I posted last... fail!  Superrrr busy.
Anyway, you guys are reading the SHIT out of my blog and I LOVE IT!  Thanks :) my last post has been viewed over 100 times.  Awesome!

So.... Let's see...  to be quite honest I can't remember what happened on Sunday.  I assume that I chilled at home and then went to training?  So I'll start with

I had plans for Monday.  Gonna get my license copied, gonna get my work clothes, and gonna study.  So I make the trip out to the city and go to Staples.  It is here that I realize that I have gotten all the way in to the city to buy stuff and FORGOT my wallet.  So I only have $6.  One of those dollars is now on a card for Staples, in case I ever need to make copies.  Whoopie.  So I head into Bryant Park for a few hours to study, and I get approached by some promoter who tries to get me to buy some package for a hair salon.  When I finally get him to realize I literally have no money, he gives it to me.  Whoo hoo!  And offers me a job as a promoter.  I'd have to walk around and try to get people to buy shit... Hmm, not my thing.  Besides the hours were like 12-7 Mon.-Sat.  When would I act?  Nope.  After he leaves another dude approaches me and asks what the guy wanted.  HELLO I AM TRYING TO STUDY.  Apparently the promoter creeps Bryant Park a lot, whatevs, I didn't buy anything from him.
I head over to work and we have a wine tasting.  Very interesting!  I learned a ton.  And I was super excited to realize that I actually could taste and smell the difference in everything.  Exciting.  And everyone was so nice, after work we headed to the bar where the bartender gave us free shots and everyone was like "oh man did we just find our after work hangout?"  I hung out with Dominque, Lisa, Eric, Ray, and Derek and we just chilled.  When I realized it was almost midnight I was like oh shit!  I have an audition tomorrow and got home way late.  Pooped!!!  My whole week has been me running around like crazy.

I woke up late today, and missed my first casting call... whatevs it was for a music video, there will be more.  I head to a meeting with the casting director I met last week and he takes my information to submit me to another show (extra work woohoo).  I get home with just enough time to sit down and each lunch and change and then I head to H&M to meet up with the girls to buy clothes for our uniform.  It is so fun to meet up with people from work (Dom, Lisa, Iris) and feel like I'm getting into a little family again.  We get button ups from H&M and then head over to Payless for shoes.  After an hour me and Iris basically sprint walk to work cause YOU CAN'T BE LATE wah wah.  We go over training and then we taste a bunch of cocktails!  Yum yum!  MOSCOW MULE YOU ARE DELICIOUS I would drink that every day if I could.  Work gets out late and I'm POOPED so I head home.

NOTHING IN THE MORNING YAY!  I get to sleep in and watch TV.  Awesome.  I want to eat something yummy for breakfast cause I'm out of yogurt and I try to get Sarah to come, but she's gotta study.  Luckily, she is super tired and pours her hot water for her tea into her cereal.  She is still determined to eat this, and after she pours milk into her mushy hot cereal she gives in and decides to go to breakfast with me.  I want pancakes, but its like 11, so we head to a little cafe for coffee and donuts.  Brooklyn Bread HAS PANCAKES.  Best.  Morning.  Ever.  And they are delicious.  We eat and I come home to relax.
As I'm relaxing I get a call from one of the managers... He says that they overstaffed and don't need as many servers to open the restaurant so they're not going to train me anymore.  Basically, I wasted my time and turned down a job and two workshops and MADE FRIENDS and now I'm not working at The Smith (unless something changes and they decide to call me.  Whatever).  After all the bullshit about how they supposedly treat their staff I find it interesting that they treat their trainees like shit.  Could have at least warned the staff that they might NOT ACTUALLY HAVE A JOB!  Thanks.
So that, to say the least, was depressing.  Mostly cause I have to find a job again and that is annoying as shit.
But Dad says buck up.
I give myself the night to do NOTHING because I have been running my ass off for this job and I want to relax.
I decide the day won't be a total waste and I go to the workshop for Galli theater.  I meet Judy, Peter, and two other girls who's names I can't remember and we do warm-ups and then practice working on characters. For the children's theater we go into the seven archetypes of fairy tales, the witch, the warrior, the Queen/King, the beggar, the fool, the teenager/Prince/Princess, and the innocent child.  Needless to say it is really fun and gets me PUMPED that I'm actually part of a company and I'm going to be performing and teaching!  Yay!
Then, that night I get more depressing news from a friend and I'm just having a total shit day.  I buy a ton of junk food and watch TV all night.
First day I want to go home.  Took me two weeks.  Meh.

After the double rough day I decide that it is okay to watch Heroes and eat my weight in cheezits.  Which is what I do.  At roughly 6pm I get TWO BOXES FROM DADDY and what is better than EEYORE FINALLY BEING IN NEW YORK CITY!  When I get him out of the box I just lay on the couch and cuddle in happiness and don't even look at anything else.  Then I take a nap.  The only productive thing I did yesterday was unpack and put together some pink shelves.  My room is all nice and set up now, and yes, I do have a Justin Bieber poster on my wall that I found in a magazine.
At 6pm Jacob and I start drinking.  Whenever someone on Heroes uses their power we drink.  Good times.  We head to PJ's where Jacob's rugby team is, and I sing karaoke.  I head home at 1 and eat some mac & cheese and go to bed!  Wondrous.

I wasn't a total waste of life today.  Ate breakfast and then cleaned the whole kitchen.  We have a little mouse issue so I washed all the dishes, cleaned all the poop, and took everything out from under the sink which is definitely where they are getting in.  I run 3 miles, shower, and get online to apply for castings.  Sarah gets home and we go to the store and get expanding foam and we foam the SHIT out of our cabinets.  We even pull the stove out.  Well... Jacob foams everything haha.  But it took us THREE CANS because that's how much they had chewed into the wall behind all the stuff.  Then we set traps.  We are also getting a kitty :)  His name is Alex.  His poor owner is moving in with his financee who is allergic and he is giving Alex to us fo free, along with all his stuff.  So hopefully the mousey issue is taken care of.
I write down a bunch of places to go apply to tomorrow (heavy sigh) and then Sarah and I watch this really strange movie on Netflix, they got some weird crap on there, and then we watch Breakfast at Tiffany's and paint our nails!  And that is my day.  Tomorrow, I will be productive.
And Ashley is supposedly coming to visit this weekend?  So I might see her tomorrow.
Hopefully, next time I check in it is with good news!
Cross your fingers!
:) Laura

"You musn't give your heart to a wild thing. The more you do, the stronger they get, until they're strong enough to run into the woods or fly into a tree. And then to a higher tree and then to the sky."