Hope everyone is doing well :) I am doing great! And excited to tell you about my last few days...
After my happiness post I went to work and had a GREAT night! I had a lot of fun, couldn't stop smiling and was chatting it up with the regulars. Now that I've been working for awhile I can recognize a few, including the comedian Anu Kalra and the hotel manager from upstairs, Fred. I sat Fred right next to the stand and was chatting him up and guess what happened... he bought me a plate of shrimp for dinner! And chef was making me mac and cheese and chicken as well, so I took a seat and chatted him up. Cause that's what you do if you want more shrimp ;)
This is my New York City life.
The whole day Friday I was apartment hunting. The first place was up, up, up, way up in the scary part of Manhattan and the room was the size of a closet. And the girl told me about a giant cockroach, EW! But hey, it was in my price range so I wasn't gonna say no right away... Until I went to Queens and FOUND MY NEW PLACE! YAY!
Now kids that is a full size bed and behind it are about four feet of boxes... you can't see the whole room but BAM IT IS BIG YAYYYY! And cheap, and there's a backyard, and a nice big bathroom, and great decoration, and it is QUIET. And my roommates are sweet. So I am super pumped, I move Dec. 1st and I will officially have my NYC address. Ballin.
After a long day of apartment searching I had delish restaurant leftovers for lunch mmm and then I went to the village to film a scene with the NYU student Juan, who cast me in the short where I was the dead girl. Again, I played a dead girl... wtf Juan! Haha, but next time he casts me he promises I will be living... Anyway, it was fun and there were about 12 of us squeezed into a tiny apartment, and we watched Muppets in Space while we filmed, so it was a good time.
On set! Maybe someday I'll get a picture of me for ya.
Saturday was hands down one of the best days I have had in New York so far... I stayed in "my" (Sarah's) room the entire day and did NOTHING. Well I did some things... cleaned, watered plants, put my check in the bank, bought flowers, read my camera's manual, emailed my boss, did my nails, watched the entire first season of "Recess" on Youtube.

Why yes I am a 12 year old.
It was a great day in.
I mean, I had every intention of going to the Brooklyn Bridge to take pictures and get some fresh air. I even did my hair and makeup. But then I ended up with this.
OMG like, Myspace called they want their pictures back!!! |
Ya... That just happened. Welcome to my crazy New York City Saturday night.
Sunday Sarah came home and we snuggled and watched the Amazing Race and I went to work. It was very slow, but my boss got us some sliders and it was delicious! And I made money checking bags which doesn't happen often... and I was just in a great mood :) We had some cool customers including this 70 year old lady wearing sequins who told me we had the same spirit and that was why I was so nice to her. Awesome.
When I left work I needed some time to think so I started walking home. I walked from Penn Station to the East Broadway subway stop... It took me about 2 and a half hours and I just got to see New York and the Christmas lights and displays and sit in the park and enjoy being there and listen to the thoughts in my head.
In Washington Square park, at 11pm, there was a huge choir singing songs of peace. <3 only in New York City.
Choir singing in Washington Square Park.
Empire State Building lit up for Christmas!
The colors change day by day!
Now we are here today... and I did laundry, go me! We went to Sarah's dress fitting and she looks amazing :) I cleaned up and I chilled and now I have to get ready for work, work, work and THANKSGIVING!
Get ready for some awesome pictures of turkey and the Macy's Day Parade!
Now I have a place to live, it is gonna be the holidays, I have clean clothes and great friends, what more could a girl ask for?
Happy, Happy, Happy. I love New York City!
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