After that long post I posted I spent the night NOT sleeping. Don't know why I couldn't sleep but my brain was just wide awake... this is very rare for me, I love sleeping so it is weird to have insomnia. I climbed out onto the fire escape and sat with my feet dangling off it. I took some pictures with my camera for fun... I've had that thing since graduation and I have no idea how to use it. Washington DC inspired me to take pictures, especially since I'm in NYC and there are so many things I want to show you! Then I spent a few hours watching TV while drawing on the back of some posters I took from the restaurant, that they were going to throw away. Wish I had my whole box of Prismacolor markers here! Meh!
On the walk to the subway in Brooklyn. I wish this picture captured the cuteness of that little girl!
New York is such an amazing place. The year and a half since graduation has been... rough, to say the least. Nobody warns you what it is going to be like when you stop having everything planned for you and school is done and it is time to make your own decisions. Even though I had an idea of what I wanted to do it was still tough to figure out how it was going to happen.
But I feel like being here is so great, inspiring, beautiful. I don't understand how people don't like city life. There is so much to look at and so much to see. Every time I'm out I see something new and something interesting. And even though I feel like I'm moving at the speed of SLOW when it comes to doing what I came here for, sometimes I have to cut myself some slack and realize I've only been here a month and a half. And I have a job I love and I have shows the whole month of December and it is okay that I'm not a movie star... yet...
Good news is that I finally will have my own place to live! After searching and searching and finding nothing, I now have five places that I'm going to be looking at during the next week (when it rains it pours!) and will for sure have a permanent address by Dec. 1st! So all you darlings that are going to be coming to visit, you will have a place to stay :)
There is so much I am looking forward to. This weekend I am filming at least two, maybe three times. Next week I'm going to the Macy's Day Parade! OMG get excited for that post. Christmas is coming up and I'm going to have a bunch of visitors... Madison, Z, Marcus, and Lizzy! :) And I get to go home. And NEW YEARS EVE in the city. Ohmigod. Let me just say: Hair in bows, glitter, fur, sequins, and high heels. I'm pumped.
So much to be thankful for. Walking home, tired, after a night out with my crew and I couldn't feel any better. So much change has happened but I finally feel like I'm in a good place, even though there are bad days. There is no better way to get to know yourself than uprooting your whole life and moving to a city where you know no one. And I'd like to say that so far, I'm a pretty fun person to get to know. I like me :) Woohoo!
Time for a nap maybe, before work.
Hope you all are having a fabulous day! And I wanna say THANK YOU to all my readers. I have had over 900 views on my blog, and while many of those have been in the US I have had people from all over the world read my writing, how awesome! Russia, the UK, Germany and Singapore! Nuts! You guys are amazing!
Whenever I write about going out, I'm with my loves 90% of the time... Juliet, Jose, and Jordan!
I know you've been thinking about making moves for awhile... well today is the day...
Now or never.
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