When did it become Saturday? Technically this is SUNDAY and I should go to sleep cause I'm way tired, but if I wait too long I'll forget all the amazing stuff that has happened to me and since WED? Crazy amazingness.
Not quite remembering the morning BUT probably did the standard lay in bed and eat and watch TV and get readyish for the day. Then I left the house at about oneish and headed to my modeling meeting. Of course I get out of the subway and Mom has informed me that she has found out it is a scam. If you are wondering if I had my Mom investigate whether the company was legit or not by giving her the number and having her call it YES I DID and I love my Mom cause she is awesome and will get to the bottom of things. Thanks Mommy :)
So... I wait for Elyse who was going to come with me just in case it was shady, but now we aren't going, and we chat for a bit and head to Times Square where I get a coffee in a huge Starbucks. We end up heading downtown to an open call for restaurant staff at a place called The Smith. (On the way we find a Salvation Army which has old cowboy boots and black boots with sweet studs... NYC loves boots and so do I, why didn't I have $50?! Fail. Maybe next time).
We wait for a bit and then both get interviewed and we are BOTH HIRED on the spot. Awesome!!!! I HAVE A JOB HELLS YA is what I am thinking. Also, they say we are having orientation the next day (Friday) but I have a callback during the time and it is no big deal. Restaurant job + flexible scheduling = happy Laura.
Me and E freak out and hug and are super pumped and then we head our separate ways because I have things to do, aka get ready to PARTAAAAAY.
At home I am getting ready and making a huge mess cause Mitchy is taking me to Lavo.
I meet up with my love Mitchy and get re-dressed/undressed I dunno I pulled my sweatpants off in the middle of the square, whatevs this is NYC people have seen weirder, and we head a block over to Lavo.
What an experience. The promoter we were with LITERALLY brought 50 people. It was ridiculous. On the outside of the club there is a big boat and three models wearing practically nothing standing there. Poor things, they must have been faaaareezing. We head down and surround this baby table (normally there are like, 10 people at a table... we had 50) and we just chill for awhile. I get a drink and stand on the seats watching everything.
The night picks up and I see girls dressed in the CRAZIEST shit. Like, entire outfits of LED lights and wigs and walking on stilts, I don't know, you just had to be there but they went all out for the party. On the dance floor a ton of fog shoots out randomly and engulfs the dancers so you can't see anything you're just dancing (and in my case holding onto Mitchy) and it was amazing.
That's not even the best part. The best part is when I see a delicious boy dancing and looking like he's having a great time so I dance my way over and Mitch goes "OMG don't turn around but there is a very famous model right next to you." Do I have great taste or what? Turns out we are next to Sebastian Sauve, some major male model.
I'm sure there were other "famous" people in the crowd but it was so packed I couldn't have spotted them.
So by this time I'm a little tired of people bumping into me (I hadn't been drinking because I have a big day Friday) and so I'm over the drunkenness and we decide to leave. On the way out we each get a fried Oreo, random? But delicious! I've never had one before, they were quite yummy. I head across the block and put on my SWEATS and my FLIP FLOPS it was like heaaaaaaaaven. And I head home. Creepiest thing EVER is the subway at 4am, no one was in the station. I stood on the stairs while I waited for the train and if anyone tried to approach me I would've karate chopped their ass.
Finally, I make it home, and I'm going to grab a quick string cheese for a snack and I see "please help yourself to the pizza." WHAT IS BETTER THAN THAT EVER?!?!?! Pizza > string cheese at 5am after a night of partying. Best roommate ever (SayJ love ya). It was so amazing I wrote a whole paragraph about it just now. Haha.
Wowza. So I wake up bright and early on Friday (10:30) cause I got shit to do! I eat and shower and get ready for my first casting, for a Kmart commercial. I head to the subway and I'm gonna tell you, even though it is embarrassing, that I definitely walked all over the frigging city trying to find where I was supposed to go. I dunno if I put it in my GPS wrong or was looking for the wrong thing or what I was thinking, but good thing I left early because I walked. A. Lot. It sucked cause I was tired and hot, and then the casting ended up being really weird (they just interviewed us on the sidewalk) but hopefully I get it cause then I can be in a commercial! Sweet. Cross your fingers.
I head home for lunch and to change and then head back out to my callback.
The callback only has one other person, Scott, and he is super friendly. We go in together and are asked to read and it goes really well and WE BOTH GET HIRED! He is doing Rapunzel and Snow White and I'm in Snow White as well as part of the company, I believe. We didn't get specifics yet, I'm supposed to get a schedule soon but she asked if I would do parties and even if I would teach. I said YES YES YES children's theatre!! I love it!
And yes, there are paid performances.
So, I am OFFICIALLY a paid actress working in New York City! Not bad for my first nine days :D
Check out Galli Theatre here.
After my great callback I find that I have enough time to make it to orientation. For 2 1/2 hours we learn about the restaurant, which is opening next week. There are a ton of people and it looks like it is going to be a great place to work! I'm nervous, but that is understandable I suppose. Mostly, I'm excited. Not much more to say about work here because I don't think you all really care but I have a good job and I'm pumped about it!
Now Friday night kinda sucked. The subway home was all messed up and it took me a long time to get back and I was tired and hungry. Very long day. Even though it was good. I get back and eat pizza and watch Jersey Shore with the roommates and GO TO BED.
Today was pretty productive in a lot of ways that weren't necessary, haha. Sarah and I CLEANED. First, we cleaned out the kitchen. There was stuff in the kitchen that had been there from 3 tenants ago. I am an interior designer. This is not cool with me. SORRY JACOB! If you ever read this I apologize for being obnoxious today, but I couldn't hold it in any longer haha.
So we clean which is good cause their has been a minor mouse issue and we need to get everything...de-pooped haha EW yah and there was A MOUSE IN THE MOUSETRAP AAAAAAAAAAAH so gross. Thank GOD there is a boy in the house cause that is his job. Anyway, Sarah and I play the "what IS this" game with a ton of stuff that we find, really random stuff, and we throw out a bunch of junk and move some stuff around and wa-la! There is a ton more cupboard room, how convenient.
We also hang curtains so I have "walls." We move the dresser into my "room." And this takes all morning.
I eat and Skype with the 'rents and clean up my stuff. Then it is time to head to work.
COMMUTING. SUCKS. I am far from midtown... and I spend about an hour each way getting to work. So hopefully I can find a place closer, quickly.
We have another productive, exciting, SCARY day of training where I feel pumped about the great staff and training and food and MONEY but I am scared shitless of how little experience I have especially since this restaurant is more formal.
Whatever. I head home and Sarah and I continue cleaning. I officially have unpacked and my room is very nice and homey now. We also clean and chat and just love up on each other cause it is nice to have your best friend living with you again. LOVE YOU SAYJ!!!!
We also bribe Jacob to walk with us to McDonald's (he's a great bodyguard) and get some ice cream :) yum!
Anyway. I am pooped, this is long, and I have to sleep cause I have to study tomorrow, I have a FOOD TEST on Wed! Meh!!!!!
And now I will leave you with the 2am ramblings of a tired 23 year old... If you just care about my acting you can quit reading now :P
<3 Laura
I have had a LOT of change in my life recently, especially in the past year and a half. Graduation, moving out, relationship wise, etc. And it has been hard and great and amazing and a learning experience, but what I want to say is don't be afraid to do the scary thing if you think it will make you happy. Whatever you are using as an excuse is just so you stay comfortable. Comfortable, but not where you want to be. Just. Do. It.
Finally, don't be afraid to tell someone how you feel. Very cliche and heard a lot but.. If you care about someone, let them know, before it is too late and you can't tell them anymore how much they impacted your life and made you a better person. I need to practice what I preach, but I've learned the hard way. Sometimes you won't be able to go back and say
You meant a great deal to me. You still do. Thank you for all the good you put into my life and thank you for all the support you gave me.
I appreciate
We must give credit to the incomparable Justin Ruehs for finding info about the scam online, when I had failed, and emailing me in time to text you about it! We got your back!