Sunday afternoon I made my way to the theater to see Rapunzel and it was AWESOME!!!! My friend Scott (who I had a callback with) was in it and he was basically like Steve from Blue Clues. The theater was fairly small but that's okay, it just reminded me of Downs Hall :) The place was packed and the kids were sitting right up front. The show was fairly simple but it was awesome because the actors talked to the children the whole time and went in the audience and had the kids interact with them as well! Right up my alley. It got me super excited to start, I am so ready to perform!
Then I came home and cooked dinner for the roommates. Stir fry yuuuuummm! And after dinner we got our new friend, Alex. He's a five year old kitty that we adopted from a dude who can't keep him anymore cause he financee is allergic, and we love him :)
Kitty sitting on the cupboards.
He's a real silly guy.
Well Monday was a little rough cause Alex was having a hard time adjusting to his new family and decided to express it by meowing at 6am... for an hour. Needless to say I didn't get any sleep. So after a failed attempt at being a real person I decided to take a nap. My schedule is so off here in the city. After I woke up I got a call from one of the places I applied to and got an interview for a hostess position! Very exciting. I spent the rest of the night watching Paranormal Activity 2 with Jacob, who proceeded to stand in the door like a creeper and scare the POOP out of me afterward. I also applied to a ton of auditions (and have had a lot of response from them woo!). I felt so accomplished.
On Tuesday I went running, and did castings, and went to my interview. At first I was a bit nervous cause I could see the sheet with a bunch of other interviewees names on it, but it seemed to go well, especially when my new boss Kenny asked if I could start training the next day. I said of course! I GOT A JOB OH YA!
Afterward, I returned some stuff and walked around. I went into a shoe store, walked down 5th avenue, checked out a Halloween store where one of the employees chatted me up and then gave me his number... I don't get it, am I too friendly? LOL. They won't leave me alone. I did get some good ideas for costumes though! Rainbow Brite, or an indian!
I also went to the NYC Public Library to see about getting a library card. I could not survive without a library card! As soon as I get my paycheck I can check out books woohoo!
I also went to the NYC Public Library to see about getting a library card. I could not survive without a library card! As soon as I get my paycheck I can check out books woohoo!
Now, I decided to check out Goodwill to figure out what I could make my costume out of. Let me tell you, this was a baaaad idea because the Goodwill in NYC was AMAZING. There were some ridiculously nice clothes there, Express blouses with the tags still on and just a ton of stuff. I was like oh no shopping spree time. But I was good and ended up just buying a jacket/wrap for myself instead of a Halloween costume. By the time I got home I was pooped so we just chilled.
On Wed. I slept in and was working on some acting stuff when I got not one, not two, not THREE but FOUR packages!! So I spent the day unpacking all the stuff I got THANKS DADDY THANKS MOMMY!!!! I have the best parents :) I had to clean one of the cupboards to fit all my new food in. No more starving artists here! Then I got ready and headed to the new job. I trained with Leann who was really cool and very friendly. I'm a hostess so it isn't too difficult, I caught onto the computer system pretty easily its just a matter of making sure everyone gets to a table. I also work coat check so hopefully I'll make some tips off of that! After our shift we got a meal cooked for us and I had a delicious burger! Yums! It was really fun and I'm very excited to work there, especially since they said that was my training day and now I'm on the schedule. Looks like I won't be having the rug pulled out from under me again thank goodness! Getting home I chilled with the roommates and went to bed.
Yesterday was a busy, busy day! First, I had an interview for a film shooting on Sat. and I got the role! It's a short where I don't have any lines but the script looks very interesting and I get to be on set so I'm pretty excited. Then, I had an audition at New York Film Academy. I think it went well, and it never hurts to get your face out there. After that I headed to the theater to work with the kids. It was fun and exhausting of course. There were about 10 kiddos and we warmed up with them onstage and then interpreted music and what wild animals we thought the music sounded like. After we "rehearsed" Rapunzel, where we took the kids through the story in costume so we can put on a performance for the parents. It made me excited to work with kids again and to be onstage! Afterward I decided to walk to the train I go on to get to the restaurant because the theater and the restaurant are about five blocks apart, so I wanted to see how far the walk between them was. Last night Sarah and I snuggled on her bed and watched dumb TV while we ate crackers and popcorn. It's great to have my old roomy back cause we work so great together!
I didn't get good sleep again, which stinks because then I feel tired all day. Today I didn't do much, we went grocery shopping and I blogged. We also cleaned the apartment. I am ready to go to sleep! Very big day tomorrow (3 auditions and a shoot). I need some sleep!
You walked down 5th Avenue....Fun!