Saturday, January 14, 2012


Hello everyone!
What a great start to the year!  Mostly, I have been taking it easy as I get healthy again.  After my last entry I ended up talking to an old, old friend about a film company where he was recently hired.  He is the Vice President in charge of all the business of the company and I pitched him an idea for a screenplay which he LOVED so now I'm on a deadline as a paid writer to finish researching and writing so that hopefully my movie can get produced this summer.  It is a small independent company but... HECK YES!  Very exciting.

Which meant that I officially had to knuckle down and finish "Wonderland" (info and tickets for the show can be found at the Caledonia Community Players Website).  It was mostly done but I added a few more lines, polished it up and sent it off to my director.  Now I'm going to let it sit on the back burner for a few months while they produce it in Michigan and then hopefully I can shop it around and get that baby published.  Wouldn't that be fantastic?

I've decided that I want to share my "resolutions" with you.  I use the word resolutions very lightly because I believe the transformation I've been going through has been happening for a long time now and I'm already in the middle of a journey, but who can't say they aren't inspired by the beginning of a new year.  So in light of the new year I am doing my best to become the person that I want to be.  Now, I already think I'm pretty awesome... I like Star Wars, write a lot, have some great friends and an awesome family, but I'm concerned with how I spend my free time (and how everyone does, cause I'm nosey like that).
Have you ever really thought about what you want out of life?  I have big goals and I'm slowly but surely working my way through a great learning process and my career seems like it is on the right path.
But what about every day?  One of my "resolutions" is READ MORE BOOKS!  I love, love, LOVE reading.    And hand in hand with this comes-stop watching so much TV.  So today, I went out and finally got my NYC Public Library card.  And proceeded to check out five books and a DVD.  Five intellectual books and a really crappy girly movie (okay it is Sex and the City 2, don't judge me!) but I promise my book pile is about spiritual growth, the problems with my generation, and how to live well... smart people books.  And I also picked up a flyer with all the free programs the NYC library has to offer and I was probably drooling on the train.  Architecture, poetry, theater and genealogy!  So many amazing classes that I want to sign up for.  For FREE!  Why didn't I do this sooner?  (Oh right because you need a permanent address to get a library card). Anyway, I'm super excited about it, going to the library always puts me in an amazing mood.

Along with the library, and the free programs, I want to experience the city while I live here (resolution numero dos?).  Last Saturday I decided to go out with Jordan and I headed down to her apartment.  To put it bluntly, the trains were fucked. I got so frustrated (and it wasn't just me, they had an MTA worker down there just to help us because everything was so messed up) that I almost just went back to my apartment.  Then I took a deep breath and thought "I'm missing everything NYC has to offer being down here anyway.  Its sixty degrees out, maybe I should just walk the 20 blocks and stop being a baby."
What a great idea!  I came out right near Washington Square where I heard some amazing banjo music, pianos, and saw so many people enjoying the wonderful weather.  I also saw a man doing art on the ground that I recognized from ArtPrize!  That was the best part, because I got to chat with him about Grand Rapids, and it gave me a weird sense of home to see him there.  How random that I ended up running into him on my way to Jordan's.
I was all smiles as I people watched on my way.  The city was BUSTLING because of the sunshine.  And that night we went to Johnny Utah's which is a country bar with a mechanical bull and had a great time surrounded by cowboys.  It was like being at home!  Okay not really, but it was surreal to be in the heart of NYC in a country bar.

Other transformations (resolutions?) I'm making include:
Working out... although that's not really something new, that was just put on hiatus while I settled in the city.  And until I recover from this illness.
Cooking again!  And working on my health in general.  I learned too much recently about the crap that we put in our bodies to eat bad food for too long... besides, my stir fry is better than any fast food you're ordering.
Keeping in contact with people I care about.  Showing everyone who is important to me how much they truly mean to me...

So we will see how this works out!  RESOLUTELY!  Haha.

So now I want to ask you... what did you do today that you are proud of?
((Do you really want to spend your life at a job you hate solely for the purpose of making money, only to come home tired and watch TV?))  Okay maybe not everyone lives like that but I feel like a majority of us do.
To me, TV is the biggest devil.  While there is quality programming with good writing and real actors... don't act like you're not watching crap.  AND I'M GUILTY TOO, I gotta practice what I preach.  Small doses.  Balance.  When someone asks you what you did today do you really wanna say "I watched TV" or maybe say you... went to the library, took a walk, went hiking, to a museum, read a book, spend time with an old friend, or even just took a great afternoon nap.
These are the things I'm thinking about right now, and I'm hoping that maybe you'll take it to heart and play a board game.  Maybe, you'll call me up tonight instead of watching TV and you'll save ME from my television as well.  We can be TV free buddies.

Weird post.  Hope you liked it.  Maybe I should change the name of my blog from "Life of an Actress" to "Life of an actress/writer/blogger/artist/dreamer Who Thinks Way Too Much and has a Really Weird Positive View on Everything"
But maybe that's too much.

PEACE OUT KIDS!  Haha now I'm going to watch my movie... wah wah.  Hey I said TV not movies, and it's due back in 4 days.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this post!! :) What have you learned about bad food? Do share!
