I just read my last post and it was so great! And guess what, life got BETTER. I can't believe it.
I just want to say thank you to everyone reading this. I do it because I love it and it is so awesome to have a written account of everything that happens to me in New York, but it is also great to have fans that like to see what I'm doing.
Valentine's Day was so great. I got up and worked out which always pumps me up. Then I went into Brooklyn for orientation with New York Cares. On the way I smiled at the train conductor and fifteen stops later when I got off he held the train so he could tell me my pretty smile made his day, that I was beautiful, and thanked me wishing me a happy Valentines Day! It gave me so much positive energy and I walked into orientation grinning.
After volunteer orientation I got on the train to Manhattan and got out downtown because I had a little time to kill on my way to book club. I just enjoyed the sights and all the people that were out for Valentine's Day as I walked uptown. I got a delicious sandwich on the walk and then passed a Goodwill store I've been in before and spent some time shopping which was so fun because NYC Goodwill has some really good stuff. I walked out with a $3 scarf that has roses and is glittery! Score!
I met up with Sonia, one of my Chi Omega sisters and we went to book club which was super fun. I'm starting to recognize people and book club always has good food! I also really enjoyed this month's book so that made the discussion even better than normal.
On the way home I started chatting with a cute boy playing video games on his phone and I gave him a princess Valentine.
Overall, it was a wondrous Valentine's Day. I hope you all had the same joy and happiness and love as I did!
Wednesday was my day off for myself. I slept in and relaxed and then I ended up being late to my first class with Miranda, the woman who runs the theatre that I'm working with. We did a writing class and I really enjoyed it! I think she liked me as well and now I am able to get more involved, starting with a production meeting for the shows that are going up this spring! Yay! It was AMAZING to be on a stage again, even with just Miranda in the audience.
After my awesome class I was so happy, I headed home to rest for a bit. Then I headed to the restaurant and picked up two checks, thank goodness. I talked to a few of our regulars who couldn't believe that I had quit but promised to keep in touch.
Then I headed uptown to All Souls and met everyone for food and fellowship, a program for the young adults where you eat and talk about the topic of the night. This week the topic was love, which is a huge category to try and discuss in a few hours but when we broke off into our smaller groups it went really well.
Afterward, everyone headed to a close bar and had a drink and chatted. I ended up staying til almost midnight and just had the BEST time. There are so many cool people at All Souls and I met writers and artists who inspired me to want to work harder at what I'm doing. It was probably one of the most fun nights I've had in New York City so far and I'm really excited to make some solid friendships with everyone that I met. I can't wait for church on Sunday! Wow, I never thought I would say that haha.
Thursday was a big morning because I had a job interview! Of course it was pouring rain and I was just imagining having a movie moment where I'm running through the city and a car goes by and splashes me, but luckily that didn't happen.
My interview was with a security company that works with a lot of high profile companies, nightclubs, and people. I would have the chance to work part time and still focus on my other projects while possibly making connections with important people. The office was also really cool, and the president and I ended up just chatting for awhile. It was very comfortable and I definitely could see myself fitting in with the company.
I headed home and ran before heading to volunteer, I had signed up with New York Cares and the first project I did was with children doing theater games. It was really fun, and eye opening, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to go back and have a better relationship with the students so I can help them love theater as much as I do!
I also got a call from one of the women I met at the writer's group on Monday (Carmen the voice teacher) who let me know as soon as I got on my feet she would be able to help me with voice lessons. She also let me know that one of the women who attends All Souls is an agent, and she would pass my information along to her and see what tips and advice she might be able to get me! That is pretty exciting because an agent is my next step to take my career further.
When I got home I needed to rest up because I was being bullied into going out. I almost didn't make it because I'm such a homebody but I rallied and ended up going out which was a great idea because I had such an amazing night. We went to Cipriani and had a delicious dinner and then headed to 1OAK where the night started off slow but while we were dancing I spotted Robin Thicke! He was easy to see cause of his nutso hair.
Our table got moved and we were standing with the New York Rangers. I ended up sitting with them for the rest of the night and dancing! It was super fun, even though I wasn't drinking. All the guys were really nice which was somewhat surprising I guess because I feel like there is a stigma that pro athletes are assholes. It might have helped that I was sober and not dressed like a whore and just having a good time, but they asked about me and my life and let me hang out with them and have some fun. They were friendly to the few fans that came over to say hi and weren't too crazy either.
I don't know what was cooler, the fact that I got to chill with them or that I actually recognized a lot of the players! I'm so proud that I'm becoming such a New York sports fan.
I don't know what was cooler, the fact that I got to chill with them or that I actually recognized a lot of the players! I'm so proud that I'm becoming such a New York sports fan.
I was out so late but it was a beautiful night so I took a stroll with Ryan up through the city, and finally got on the subway at about 5am. I got home and took a shower finally getting into bed at 6:30 in the morning. This is why I don't go out every night but it was SO fun! We got free 1OAK hat's too... Rocking them out in our picture. Good times.
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Early morning in Times Square! |